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Nashua Community Foundation

Visioning Program Goals

• Developing a conceptual plan and implementation strategies with local communities
• Enhancing the natural, cultural and visual resources of communities
• Assisting local communities in using external funds as leverage for transportation corridor enhancement


Each visioning community works through a planning process consisting of four phases of concept development:

  1. Program initiation

  2. Needs assessment and goal setting

  3. Development of a concept plan

  4. Implementation and sustained action


Each visioning community is represented by a steering committee of local residents and stakeholders who take part in a series of meetings that are facilitated by eld coordinators from Trees Forever Iowa State University Landscape Architecture Extension recruits and trains design interns, coordinates with private sector landscape architects, and supports the research components of Community Visioning The program is sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation.

Check out this link to learn more:

Full report available for viewing here.

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