Nashua Community Foundation
The Nashua Community Foundations 501(c)3 status allows us to not only assist the community with fundraising but provides a tool to receive tax-deductible donations from individuals and businesses.
Donations aid in making our region a very special place in which to live, work and play, and allow us to continue working on the 2015 Visioning goals.
We have accepted requests from donors to utilize their funds for community betterment projects including Downtown Revitalization efforts, Visioning, Nashua Scout cabin, and previously assisted the Nashua Food Pantry.
The Nashua visioning committee identified a number of goals and priority areas during the visioning process.
1. Park Improvements
2. Regional Trails Connections to Local Destinations and Nearby Communities
3. Main Street Improvements
4. Signage and Landscaping
5. Improved Pedestrian Connections
Full Report and More Visioning click here.
"We never fail when we try to do our duty. We ALWAYS fail when we neglect it." ~Scout Founder Robert Baden-Powell
Click here for more information or to make a tax deductible donation.